Under Pressure x Queen

presión aplastándote a ti
ningún hombre la pide.
Bajo presión
Ese fuego que
derriba un edificio
divide a una familia en dos,
pone a l gente en las calles.

La maldita máquina de matar x Billy Bond y la pesada del Rock and Roll

Tengo que derretir esa máquina de matar,
tengo que derretir esa maldita máquina de matar.
Para que nunca más vuelva
a destruir lo que hacemos con amor, amor.

Desencuentro x Almafuerte

Estás desorientado y no sabés,
qué bondi hay que tomar, para seguir.
Y en triste desencuentro con la fé,
querés cruzar el mar, y no podés.
La araña que salvaste te picó.
Qué vas a hacer.
Y el hombre que ayudaste te hizo mal,
dale que vá.
Y todo un carnaval, gritando pisoteó,
la mano fraternal que Dios te dió.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Eric Hobsbawm's final book to be published in 2013

Fractured Spring, the final collection of writing from the Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, who died this week, will be published next March
Eric Hobsbawm
Eric Hobsbawm. Photograph: Eamonn Mccabe for the Guardian
Delivered to his publisher three months before he died, Eric Hobsbawm's final book, an "incredibly wide-ranging" collection of studies, will be published next spring.
Hobsbawm, a Marxist and one of the 20th century's most respected historians, died on Monday, aged 95. He left behind a wealth of works, capped by his four-volume Age of … series, a history of the 19th and 20th centuries which his fellow historian Niall Ferguson called "the best starting point I know for anyone who wishes to begin studying modern history".
His publisher Little, Brown said today that Hobsbawm handed in his final book, Fractured Spring, three months ago, and it will be published in March. Described as a collection of studies on "the history of the 'classical' arts and culture in the 19th and 20th centuries, written by one of Britain's foremost political historians, taking in subjects as diverse as religion, manifestos and the myth of the America cowboy", Fractured Spring is an exploration of culture and society in the 20th century.
Hobsbawm's editor Richard Beswick called it an "incredibly wide-ranging" book. "It covers the effects of the 20th century revolution in science and technology and the way mass consumer society generated an explosion in the potential of western economies," he said. "Culturally he explores the extraordinary changes in the 20th century, from the decline of the most elite arts to the figure of the Alpha male, swaggering cowboy figure of mid-century America."

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